Nicoleta sighed. "Perhaps you're right, rainbows and unicorns might make a better change of events for once." Her ears twitched for a moment, and she turned an eye upwards, frowning as Aslin was caught in an explosion. "One hard ass woman to make it out of that explosion. . ." She commented, before dragging Gale out of the tree with a jerk. She jumped down from the tree, another explosion causing her ears to shudder once more, and causing her head to turn. She watched the dying ship fall slowly from the sky and Esprum fall to the ground. "I'm going after the survivors, I won't leave them behind just because we're on a mission. . ." She said softly, starting off at a run after the dying ship. She was going through the fastest path she could, ducking between bushes and tree branches before a large black paw swung its way into the path, slapping her onto her back, a creature of grimm, a massive gorilla-like creature, came out into view fully. She put out her hands and curled herself pack, doing a somersault on the ground once before her foot began to drag into the earth and she came to a stop, dragging Gale from her belt. The beast roared mightily, spit flying in a display that would set most in disease, however to those trained to kill the beast, it was little more than a roadblock. Her figure became enveloped in orange light as she scraped her weapon together, a high pitched scratching noise amplifying to ear-bleeding proportions in the grimm's direction errupted, causing the beast to fall to its knees. Nicoleta rushed forward throwing a half of gale into the back of the creature's head with a crackling noise as it pierced the creature's skull. As she passed it, she kicked it up, catching it and combining the two sides of Gale into a single blade, storing it in her belt once more. Done with the minor Grimm, she jumped off its stomach, continuing her mad rush forward even as the airship hit the ground, blowing away trees. Though most would be content with staying at ground speed, she realized quickly that she could move faster from the treeline and she grabbed hold of a branch, climbing up and leaping to consecutively higher branches, reaching moderately well height branches before long. She used the height to move faster, reaching the downed airship within the minute, where she paused from the treeline, catching the sight of a party of Vacuans who marched around with their guns. It appeared the crew had already been finished by this death squad, and that alone was enough to make Nicoleta's blood boil.