In progress. [b]Appearence:[/b] [img=] [b]Name:[/b] Sven Hyatt [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Eye Color:[/b] Green [b]Hair Color:[/b] Brown [b]Height:[/b] 5'8" [b]Weight:[/b] 140 [b]Job/Profession on ship:[/b] Representative of the Treasury [b]Weapons/Possessions:[/b] Pocket watch, paper and quill, single dueling pistol [b]Family/Relationships:[/b] Father-Samuel Hyatt [b]Skills:[/b] [b]Background:[/b] Sven Hyatt was born into money as an only child and raised by his father Samuel Hyatt. Sven's father worked for the royal court as the Master of the Treasury. Like most kids, Sven dreamed of sailing out beyond the horizon and exploring the unknown. Dueling with pirates and discovering new land fueled his imagination. His father however, had different plans in mind for him. For Samuel, his only son would one day take his place and his name in the royal court. Samuel made sure to impress the importance of this future upon Sven, and so his son reluctantly let go of the promise of adventure. Being just as ambitious as his father, Sven grew up with every intention of surpassing him and proving his worth. Sven's tutors and his father's business associates watched the boy with a critical and suspicious eye. As he began to learn his father's trade, Sven developed a knack for being mischievous in his spare time. Considered to be a young man in his teens, he became quite the ladies man by drawing women in with his sharp looks and coin in his pocket. Most of that coin of course ended up going into the pockets of said young women. Samuel Hyatt became ill one winter and his health began to gradually decline. As he became more and more bed-ridden, the prospect of taking his place in the royal court started to become a reality for Sven. That was until Sven's escapades were discovered by his father. The son of a treasurer who threw his father's money at the women of the local tavern had no business or future working for the court. With shame, and much to Sven's dismay, Samuel exposed his son. The court, already aware of Sven's roguish behavior, decided to get rid of him. The court would sponsor an exploration of the seas and Sven Hyatt, son of the Master of the Treasury, would represent the Treasury. He would oversee the court's investment and the expedition, with his own eyes of course.