As Dagger played the Game Night Playlist, the music became processed through the program running in Tempo's headphones. This resulted in a mashup of different songs, readily made to sound in tune with whatever was already playing. Even though the style was similar, Tempo could notice that the music had changed, and it was not as calming. This was not to say that she didn't enjoy it, because she really did, and her head bobbed in time to the music. "Thanks Dagger!" She yelled, excitedly. "I've never tried mixing these two songs together!" She grabbed a glass as she said this, and then she went and got a bottle of whiskey that they had plundered recently from a trade ship outside of colony 24; which was a very old colony well known for its alcohol manufacturing. Tempo sat back down and poured it into her glass irresponsibly so that it almost reached the top, and just as she went to take a sip, she realized she needed to pee. "Don't any of you touch my glass while I'm gone!" She said in her very loud voice, and then she left the room.