[u]EXPERIMENT[/u] [b]Name:[/b] Jess Kirstein [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Appearance][img=http://i.imgur.com/gd5EoQ1.jpg][/hider] [b]Personality (optional):[/b] From her time in the military, Jess is a rather forceful, "manly" woman in a way. Having lived with men for so many years turned her into a person who loves to get into drunk fights and have sex with people she barely knew, because she knew the good days could end tomorrow with someone getting shot. She's a very idealistic, usually cheerful woman as well, always trying her best to have a bright attitude and to always look at the positive side of things. Now, however... It's much harder to do that. [b]History a.k.a insanity:[/b] Jess was a rather normal young lady before she joined the military. The training itself made her into a different person, and her time with her comrades further molded her into the person she is now. She made many close friends in her squad, and even a crush. However, the enemy, one night, raided their base, leaving only a handful of survivors. One of said survivors was Jess, who had hid during all the fighting in a fit of cowardice. She never forgave herself, and it even led to [b]severe cases of both depression and PTSD.[/b] The flashbacks kept getting worse and worse, even with the medication, so went with the only way out she thought she had. [b]Power:[/b] Fleshcrafting: Jess, due to the mutated genes they spliced into her body, has limited control over her own muscle, fat and bone, allowing her to create spikes of hardened flesh and fat anywhere on her body. She prefers to do it on her hands. [b]Weakness:[/b] Fleshcrafting is extremely painful to use, having to tear its way through her skin whenever she spawns the flesh weapons. Because of this, she tries to use it as infrequently as possible. In times of intense emotion, she loses much of her control over the power and the spikes are prone to randomly jutting through her skin. In addition to the pain and difficulty controlling her power, the use of Fleshcraft makes use of the muscles and bone that is already there, so for example, spawning a spike on her arms or hands would prevent her from doing any precise activity with their hands, such as writing or holding a weapon. [b]Random fact:[/b] Jess is lactose intolerant. This may be prone to cleaning up and changing slightly, but I'd like to think it's mostly finished. Please tell me if there's anything wrong with it.