Experiment Name: Tam Caleb Age: 26 or so Appearance: Their long wiry hair--so neatly groomed--is reduced to a thin black fuzz on their brown scalp and a thin 5 o'clock shadow. Any plumpness in their face has vanished, scraped back to reveal sharp-edged bones and deep-set black eyes. Their beaky nose is bent twice at angles they don't recognize and their long fingers, hands and wrists bear unfamiliar scars. Though they live in a perpetual slouch, Tam can reach a lanky six foot when they want to. Personality: Highly observant, Tam spends a lot of time thinking--or brooding, as some would call it. They love to think out-loud, expounding on ideas that range from remarkable to bizarre. However, for all their intelligence, Tam remains complacent, an eternal homebody, dedicated to maintaining their independence in spite of the large-scale conspiracies that target them. With this in mind, they tend to approach everything with patient pragmatism. (NSA spying on you? Well then, line your apartment in lead.) Since waking up, however, they feel much more sociable but unable to concentrate (or obsess) as they used to. The feeling is frighteningly like aimlessness, and Tam worries about how their intelligence has been changed. History a.k.a insanity; Tam always walked the knife's edge between vocal brilliance and rowdy paranoia. It took losing their cab in a car accident to destroy the fragile balance, and they quickly slipped in the wrong direction. Barring themselves in their apartment, they refused to allow anyone inside and accepted food only through a clandestine arrangement with their mother. After threatening their landlord with bodily harm, Tam found themselves interred in a mental hospital. Things only deteriorated from thereon out, as all their conspiracy theories had apparently been confirmed and Tam began to fight tooth-and-nail for their freedom. Which is pretty much the last clear memory they have, up until now. Power: Limited Omniscience (constantly aware of the locations of everything and everyone in time and space thanks to an exponentially-enhanced sense of magnetic fields) Weakness: To cope with the extreme lengths of their knowledge, they force it into their subconscious mind most of the time. To find a particular object or person they need a "lead" or "focus"--something closely tied to the target. Without a focus, they can try to work off a description or memory, but it's much more difficult and can result in over-stimulation and loss of consciousness. It also seems that, in order to make room to process this expanded "sixth sense", Tam's other senses have been markedly reduced: they can barely see, can't smell or taste anything and have a severely dampened perception of heat/pain. Random fact: Before their life went to hell, Tam lived alone with their cat, Asher. They don't know what happened to him, and worry about it a lot. Also, Tam identifies as agendered and prefers they-them pronouns. They are legally registered as male and appear masculine, so most people assume they are male.