Roland woke up with a jolt. He, however, got up too fast and felt a sting of pain in his back and head shortly after. He held his head in his hand to find his arm was covered in sand. "Wha-" He stopped, and then looked around for the first time. He was on an island? "Where- what the- who-- ugh. Don't lose sanity now." He spoke to himself and stood up slowly as to not hurt himself like before. "If you can hear me, just shout!" He heard faintly from the distance. If he was to understand anything right now, he might as well take the chance. "I can hear you! How'd we survive?!" He shouts to the voice, just remembering; that's right. We were shipwrecked. And he hid from everyone else, closed his eyes, and unbelievably, fell asleep. How incredibly embarrassing. How could he even sleep in anarchy like that? "No, no. All that matters is you're alive." He reassures himself.