S C I E N T I S T Name: Hans Noth Age: 28 [HIDER=Appearance][IMG=http://avvesione.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/steinsgate-01-kyouma-mayuri-itaru-monitor.jpg][/HIDER] Personality: Energetic & passionate, Hans is quite unlike the stereotypical cold, nerdy scientist. He does love knowledge, but he also enjoys having a good time. He has a weakness for old 80s heavy metal and it would not be strange to see him start air-guitaring upon having just made a laboratory breakthrough. He has a love of languages and history as well as science. He even knows a bit about old psuedoscientific lore and superstitions like alchemy and shamanic "medicine". History: Graduated top of his class in Harvard Biochemistry & Genetic Studies. Before that he had been trained in both science and medicine at far less prestigious schools in middle America. His life before that is somewhat shrouded in mystery. But appearently his family immigrated from Brazil to the U.S.A. Reason for agreeing to take part in project: Hans' is (secretly) the great grandson of the Nazi scientist Josef Mengele (known as the Angel of Death). This knowledge has troubled him since he learned of it as a teenager. He accepted this position as the latest in an endless series of futile attempts to reconcile his family's dark secret. Department: Bioengineering Random fact: Hans is afraid of heights, and to this day has never been on even a mild rollercoaster.