Aslin coughed into her arm, spotting bits of blood in the crook of her elbow. She felt like a train wreck; fittingly too. One doesn't usually crash like a meteor through a building's roof then get punched across the room several times and walk it off casually, especially for one as small as Aslin. It's no small wonder her aura held up through all that. However, she still had a rather nasty wound on her side which was bleeding rather profusely. Wordlessly, one of her teammates - Aethan, though he usually went by Esprum - lifted up her hoodie and applied dust of some kind. It didn't sting, but the sudden physical touching made her blush awkwardly. She looked at the watch on her wrist; not only did it tell time, it also doubled as a monitor for the state her aura was in. Unsurprisingly after such a dynamic entrance, it was rather low and in the red, but the bar was gradually filling up as both her aura had time to recover and the healing dust did it's work on her wound. As for the bruising, twisted ankles, and whatever injuries she'd have, she'd just have to walk them off. She had suffered worse in training. "Thanks, Aethan," Aslin said, though she was unsure if he heard her or not, as he just walked off and started running where the rest of the team went. "Good to know I'm not being left behind," she muttered to thin air, before running to catch up to the rest. By the time she got there, the others were already embroiled in a battle with a squad of soldiers. As Aslin moved towards the arena to get into the fight herself, she noticed her hoodie... glowing. Not just hers; Aurellius's tie and Nicoleta's scarf were also suddenly rainbows. Even though Aslin was briefly confused as to why she turned into a Gay Pride advocate all of a sudden, her confusion was abated when the air went gray and the remaning soldiers all collapsed for air and the fires rapidly poofed out of existence. Aslin was hardly surprised. Well, she was in a "I was not expecting to walk into a vaccuum today" kind of way, but as for Esprum coming up with such a plan, she had anticipated this. She had done her homework before on the people she'd be working with, after all. Esprum was an absolute tactical genius, always the sort to have backup plans for backup plans, as well as an amazing sniper. Nicoleta was a force of reckoning with her bow, and exceptionally quick and agile, even moreso than Aslin, not to mention her sonic-based abilities. Lastly, Aurellius was some fancy rich brat that was a tad rascist and Aslin didn't like him very much. He's an absolute beast with his lance, however. Three of the soldiers that had the air ripped out of their lungs were beginning to recover, and Aslin jumped into the fray. She bolted past the leftmost one and bisected him neatly in two as she past, before turning around to face the other, now angry two. They both charged her with their swords, and Aslin did a small hop backwards. She kept doing this in succession, intentionally narrowly avoiding their blades each time, frustrating them. Eventually, their swordsmanship got sloppy, as one took a hefty, but unbalancing swing. Aslin capitaliized this by spinning past him and slicing him through the knee, continuing her spin and decapitating him in one swift motion. She then jumped and threw her leg out, her spinning momentum, carrying it straight through the remaining soldier's face, knocking him back and sending him rolling. Aslin yawned as the guy got back up and charged her. Almost casually, she sidestepped out of the way and hooked his leg with her foot, sending him face-first into the ground. Aslin sheathed her blade and stomped on the man's hand holding his sword, causing him to release it. She kicked him onto his back and stomped painfully, but not fatally so, on the man's neck to keep him from moving. "I don't suppose you could help a gal out and tell me where the Harbinger Relic is hidden, could you?" She asked down at the man, staring him right in the eyes.