"They're OK, right?" Leiko, preoccupied with the fate of her flyers, ignored the other girl's condition entirely as she snatched the bundle of papers from the boy in a panic. She had worked too hard and long on these flyers, and [i]no one[/i] was going to join a club if the advertisements were creased and soiled. A long, relieved sigh exhaled past her lips as the flyers appeared intact, despite the unexpected collision. "Thank you," she said politely to the boy that had helped with her flyers, his expression passive and fairly hard to read as he turned his attentions instead to the girl called 'Sachiko'. He appeared to know the brunette by his informal addressal of her, and the fact that he had chosen to help her first. Like the collision had been [i]Leiko's[/i]fault. Leiko's cheeks puffed out angrily. How could it be when that brown haired klutz was the one who walked directly in front of her?! Still, it would do no good to make a scene now. She had already embarrassed herself enough in public without adding fuel to the fire. Biting her tongue, Leiko's attention was instead drawn to another boy that had come over to help, his hand outstretched to help her to her feet. [i]Finally. Someone with manners.[/i] "I'm fine. Thank you." She took his hand and with a firm tug, she was back up to her feet. Dusting off her skirt and grazed palms aside, there was no harm done. "Ahem. I apologise for that. I'm Hamada Leiko." She introduced herself with a practised smile. "Please, refrain from calling me by my given name unless strictly necessary. And I believe you are...?" At this point, she was still ignoring the girl she had run into, her pride still wounded slightly from her unexpected tumble.