The fighting that took place in the the field were little more than distractions to her objective. She took a leap towards the airship, surprised as the fires suddenly went out. Her head turned to Esprum, to whom she nodded in thanks before climbing into the wreckage with a quick swinging into the large door. "Anyone still alive in here?" She called, kicking through the battered door to the cockpit with a vicious spin. As she found her way in, there was little left to do, however. She had found little more than the dead, already cleared out by the death squad. She frowned, kneeling over the victims of the war that sat before her. "We'll find the Harbinger, soldier. You did your part." She lifted up her hand to the soldier still in the pilot's seat, a bullet through his skull, and closed his eyes for him. With a turn, she exited the cockpit, shaking her head. Her footsteps rattled on the metal grated floor which creaked with the sounds that the ship might break at any time. The metallic sounds shifted to the crinkling grass instead as she stepped back outside of the airship, the death squad already gone for the most part. "We don't have the time to play with these idiots anymore. Our ride is gone, so I'd hope we have some form of radio contact so we can get out of here when we find the relic." Her voice reflected the anger she felt, and yet the words she spoke held no prejudice due to that anger. "I didn't doubt they'd send some of the best on this wild goose hunt, but it looks like it's more a war zone than I was anticipating. I could easily put a bet that there's other squads exactly like our own already in this forest. Our job isn't to hunt them down, though if they've been here for a little while, we might be able to learn more about where the relic is from them." She gazed around at the other three. "Team VANE doesn't have anyone watching anymore, so losing isn't an option, no one's coming for us. We need to adapt to the situation now or die trying."