Username: CrazyShadowyGamer | Pure Name: Wisdom | Nickname: Kai Personality: Friendly, Trustworthy.... sometimes, Wimpish, Example Post: I (Kai) was going through the woods and saw a rabbit and thought wow i really need my damn bow and an arrow or a freaking dagger or knife to kill this thing i am staving. I haven't eaten in days so i will sneak up on it through the trees and smash its head with a rock. Then i pick up a decent sized rock and get above it and i jump out of the tree with the rock above its head and smash broken skull and blood all over the grass and i get free meat. I then get out to my campsite and cook it that night then i laugh about my plan to kill it and want to do it again the nest day for lunch and dinner. I then have a great meal and go to sleep for the rest of the night