[center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/8nu9NRp.jpg[/IMG][/center] --- [b]Name:[/b] [i]Blythe Wickerly[/i] [b]Age:[/b] [i]11[/i] [b]Gender:[/b] [i]Male[/i] [b]House:[/b] [i]Ravenclaw[/i] [b]Magical Heritage:[/b] [i]Muggleborn, and quite proud of that fact.[/i] [b]Appearance:[/b] [i]Oddly enough, yes, Blythe was born with ominous crimson eyes. His father believes that it has something to do with one of his ancestors, but that is only a speculation, and due to this, Blythe doesn't think about it all that much. He is around the average height of an eleven year old boy, with the weight that is also around average. His build is lean, with a tad of sinewy muscle from actually being one of those nerds that go out and experiment with the things they learn on the media. His skin is quite pale, and his hair is neat, feathery, and pure black, going quite well with his crimson eyes. All in all, Blythe portrays quite the ominous, yet unique look, and it is obvious that he'll be quite the looker in a few years..[/i] [b]Biography/Personality:[/b] [i]His life... Well, let it be known that Blythe was a fighter. Born into a world that seemingly cursed him ever since he was a fetus, his life starting out was rocky at best. His mother had to have an emergency c-section due to a malignant tumor that was found in her skull, and she died shortly after giving birth to Blythe - a few minutes later. His father, Yama, did not blame Blythe for such a disastrous situation. Yama was a well-off, geek of a man that spent the majority of his life building relatively popular games, and constructing mainstream, yet interesting anime that spurred teenagers and children alike to become closet dwellers. He was a Japanese man, and although they lived in Britain - with Blythe's mother being a pure British woman -, Yama made sure to have Blythe know about their heritage. Thusly, the boy's path was set. He grew up around fantasy; he knew all of the jutsu of Naruto by the age of six, and he knew the Dragon language of Eragon by the age of 7. Anime, video games, magic, fantasy...it all interested him, and the young boy spent all of his time as an otaku, learning whatever he can, and blossoming in his studies at school because of this fact. He loved books of any typing, and although this made him quiet and distant to the world, he was still a bright young man that was a bit...warped from exploring all spaces of the internet. All of it. When he was sent his letter, he wasn't all that surprised. His father only received a "Magic's not that surprising." After all, only seconds after the note, Blythe had deduced that every anime creator ever was a part of a large legion of creative wizards wanting to subtly give out hints of the Wizarding world. But, I digress...yes, he is a creative and thoughtful boy, but he is also intelligent to the point of it being obscene. Only an hour after that deduction, he was 'experimenting' with his inner magical ability, already shaping it into different molds inside of his inner core. Already, he has went through nearly all of the charms and spells inside of his text books, and is already creating new ones based on his wide imagination. In a nutshell, Blythe is a creative, imaginative young man that may seem quiet and emotionally lacking at first, but that's mainly because the internet has warped his personality to the point where he can go from emotionless to evil, and to happy, in snaps of a finger. He is very intelligent, and loves spells.[/i] [b]Personal Items:[/b] [i]11 inch wand made of an odd white bone from unknown origins. Holds a thestral hair wand core, and it's quite flexible..[/i] [b]Special Gifts and Abilities:[/b] [i]Other than his overwhelming magical potential, Blythe is unnaturally intelligent and quick-witted, having done things that has taken even older wizards years to do; that is, creating different spells, and generally mastering his current repetoire of spells in small amounts of time.[/i]