[b][u][James][/u][/b] James lowered the hood of his jacket as he walked into the gymnasium, looking around with curiosity and a certain wariness, but not without a little hope. Things would be different, here. Despite having long accepted that the life of a God on Earth was doomed to be solitary, and that his nature would always make him an outsider among humans, for once he found himself in a setting where the unusual - the divine - was the norm. As he looked around the room, he saw one boy, (or so he assumed from his form, at least) conjure a cake out of thin air and begin to eat with enthusiasm. Off to the side, he noticed somebody else step from some sort of dark hole in the air, closing it behind him with a fairly overly-dramatic snap of the fingers before walking off to talk to the cake boy. "Show off," thought James idly, but his attention was soon directed elsewhere in the room. All around him were more examples of the strange and fantastic - the young gods in training keen to make a powerful first impression - and for once, he wasn't attracting the most attention. He decided he'd be just fine if things were to stay that way. Walking forward, he went to stand with the main group of people in the middle of the gym, a short distance behind where shadow-kid was now conversing with cake-boy. For want of anything else to do, he began to listen to their conversation.