Yurusa sat upon a large building over looking the market place. This was his favorite place of all, he felt like a king, over looking his kingdom. The market place was a treasure trove of entertainment. Watching the merchants sell there items to consumers, yelling and screaming at one another over trivial matters of what stall goes were. It was all entertainment for Yurusa, all fun and games, that were all like ants to him, trying to scramble up that figurative later of life. That was when Yurusa saw the dispute between some samurai and Ronin on the east side of the market. Yurusa was invigorated, another show of bloodshed was going to happen. His favorite part of the day, watching the unless Ronin, trying to fight the professional Matsudaira samurai. Yurusa smiled, this was a show he was going to enjoy.