...I was thinking. If having a TIE Fighter/Bomber carrying out air strikes or creating air superiority is too much overkill, getting shot down and having to fight on the ground with other characters should work right? Just gimme a heads up if there's any problems with this, Sep. I'm not super-big on SW lore, but I [s]think[/s] hope I got this right. [hider=Anya Shade, Imperial Pilot][B]Name:[/B] Anya 'Swift' Shade [B]Age:[/B] 21 [B]Species:[/B] Human [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Affiliation:[/B] Galactic Empire; Imperial Navy [B]Appearance:[/B] (Didn't draw this myself) [IMG]http://s25.postimg.org/p878mtnq7/Star_Wars_2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Equipment:[/B] :: Has an E-11 Blaster Rifle ready for use at any time :: Imperial Pilot's Suit :: Datapad, Commlink :: A few tools, though they're on the TIE [B]Background:[/B] Anya grew up on Corellia, into a nice, easy city life. As some youngsters without short leashes do, this kid had a stupid streak when the law was in question. Eventually she'd start to slice into and take speeders on joyrides for kicks when she wasn't studying, or taking a slight interest in those Imperial holo-vids in the corner of her eye. The Imperial Military looked like it might be worth an honest shot to someone without a path set out before them. Besides, when CorSec finally caught Anya in the act of hacking a shiny new speeder, there was suddenly a prison-sized wall between her and any future she might have. It was a sentence, or service in the Imperial Military... And from what she'd seen already, option #2 sounded very interesting. Becoming a respected citizen appealed to her now that she was a known criminal, and if she wasn't a citizen by the end of her service, she might be an accomplished officer if she did well and stuck with it. Anya chose Service. The Academy and the following small-scale missions would straighten her out.. to a degree. After a few sorties where hostility and battle were actually involved, Anya earned the respect of her fellow pilots through her skills behind the controls of anything that could fly and shoot. Not quite an ace, but certainly someone you could rely on to watch your back. Still, she never told anyone why she became a pilot. A criminal past didn't fly well with some of the squadron. Right now, Ensign Anya Shade and her squadron are tasked with quiet aerial patrols around Balona. Shouldn't be more than another blue milk run, ...right? [B]Reason for Joining the Empire/Alliance:[/B] "What can I say? I'm a patriot. The Empire is uniting this galaxy, so we can all live under one banner and prosper. Or... Alright, fine! That's what I'm [I]used[/I] to hearing. While it's all well and good, doing my part for the Empire and all, I can't help but feel like... You know what, it's not important. We have a duty as soldiers of the Empire to crush all who would oppose a galactic peace - the end result of what we're doing is what's important."[/hider]