[quote=Jakeozzy] ...I was thinking. If having a TIE Fighter/Bomber carrying out air strikes or creating air superiority is too much overkill, getting shot down and having to fight on the ground with other characters should work right? Just gimme a heads up if there's any problems with this, Sep. I'm not super-big on SW lore, but I hope I got this right. [/quote] Air superiority is okay, and this is an Imperial Planet so if you get shot down you can get a new fighter (Not in the same battle obviously). However know that a lot more elements are likely to be ground based, and being Imperial you can't switch as easily as a rebel, in fact you can't just switch. So I would either recommend having a secondary char or maybe even moving to the ground. Also if you read the OP the Imperials are currently in possession of Belona... if people can re-read the OP to see if I haven't made that clear I will fix it if necessary. You may think it odd for the Alliance to have a Venator but it has happened before. Like your reason for being in the Empire Jake.