I feel like writing, so I might add a little more to the personality section later. :p --- Username: Ink-berry Pure Name: Justice Nickname: Alaric Personality: "Justice", to Alaric is a very... loose term. He's most definitely the most tainted one out of the Pure, in terms of sympathy and compassion - his means of making ends meet is usually pretty dubious (although this's explained by the fact he believes justice is harsh). He'll [i]always[/i] do the "right" thing without hesitation, though, but this also results in him just doing things blindly at times. If someone he considers to be higher than him in terms of moral righteousness tells him to kill someone, for example, he'll agree without a second thought. Of course, being the embodiment of justice, he still tends to follow some sort of "honor" code and can be considered more naive in this respect. (Alaric also thinks of people in terms of "innocent" and "guilty" instead of "good" and "evil".) He also speaks rather awkwardly, though, which's most likely his attempt at being polite / possibly chivalrous. Example Post: [hider=]Léonard, as usual, at woken up much too early that morning. And, as usual... he found himself running late. He tapped his foot against the floor of the carriage impatiently as the horse pulled trotted at (what seemed to him) the speed of a snail. [i]I'd[/i] better [i]not be late,[/i] he thought, but then hesitated and shook his head. [i]No, you are[/i] not [i]going to think about it.[/i] Léonard stuck his head out the window to check on the horse. [i]...Godamned thing needs to lose some weight. No wonder I'm probably going to be la-[/i] He smacked himself on the head. [i]No[/i], he was [i]not[/i] going to think about it. No. [i]No[/i]. Eventually, after a few more minutes uncomfortable minutes of fidgeting in the carriage, he decided to get off early. Léonard got the driver to stop the carriage and hopped out. He didn't bother exchanging any polite words as he just shoved the money into his hand and hurried off. There were numerous reasons why he'd gotten off a few blocks away (as inconvenient as that was for him and his low stamina), but the main cause was most definitely paranoia. Léonard was immediately on his guard just thinking about it. [i]I swear they're all watching. They'd[/i] all [i]sell whatever information they have on you, no doubt.[/i] A while later, a slightly panting Léonard found himself back on track, nearing the blocked off street. He slowed down as he approached the group, briefly stopping to catch his breath. He regained some composure, [i]Léonard, you idiot, you're[/i] late [i]now, aren't you?[/i] The rather gangly male, in his mid twenties, could've easily been mistaken for someone much younger, with his relatively short stature and stunted growth. (Not that he hadn't [i]tried[/i] to grow taller, but that'd all just been in vain.) He was currently wearing relatively plain clothes, more suited for laborious work than for impressions, and was made of, unfortunately, burlap. Léonard adjusted the collar of the shirt uncomfortably. [i][/i] He narrowed his eyes as his gaze darted from one member of the group to the next. Wait - why were there so little people here? [i]Ha, they must've run out of funds,[/i] he thought , [i]But... [/i] "Am I... [i]early[/i]?" he asked incredulously, nearly choking up laughing at the thought. . Léonard smacked himself on the head for second time that day.[/hider]