As she finished talking with Aslin, she sighed, crossing her arms and beginning to walk towards the treeline once more. She stopped suddenly, however, her ears twitching as they caught the sound of something. Something she could never forget the sound of. The grimm. She turned her head in the direction of Esprum just as he was dragged further into the depths of the wood by the hulking creatures. "Damnit, hold on. . ." She said in a mutter, dragging Gale from her belt, the blade splitting into two pieces which she took in each hand. Her movement changed into a sprint for the zone she'd seen Esprum. As she reached the first trees, she stabbed into the tree as leverage to get up to a higher branch, swinging off that branch like a monkey. When she went through the air, she flipped once, grabbing hold of the next branch, which cracked and broke under strain from her presence, and instead she landed on a sturdier branch, jumping from that one to the next around the tree. That's when she saw Esprum's fight coming to a close, or so she thought. As the creature began to fidget she paused, watching the spasms it made. The two pieces of Gale locked together as she swung them together, and she took a long red and black arrow from her pack. The bowstring expanded from the handle, and she laid the arrow on it without taking her eyes off the target. Her aura flashed for a moment, the bowstring taking on the considerably large amount of force put on it suddenly. With a hissing noise, the arrow suddenly released at the massive creature. A click followed as suddenly the dust activated, and it looked like wisp-like missiles suddenly shot out the sides, raining down hell fire upon the massive creature, its body being pierced and set ablaze as if knives had come out of the arrow instead. She jumped then, the two pieces of Gale twisting around by the hilts so that they formed one blade again, and she began to fall upon the creature, sending her blade deep within its head, the grumbling grimm roaring in bloody murder. It began to stand however, whipping its head to the point Gale fell out and Nicoleta with it. She rolled to a stop low to the ground, but on one knee. She rose again, spinning the blade around her hand and splitting it back into two. As they split, her aura flashed again, and an ear-splitting clanging noise ripped into the forest, though mostly at the grimm, which recoiled as if it was hit with a blunt object. As it fell back, she rushed towards Esprum, putting a hand out to him. "Any ideas, brainiac?" He grunted, pulling himself up. "..." He was silent, that gleam returning to his glasses. "With enough time, I can turn that thing into a bomb. Without all the explosions." "Then we'll have to give you that time." She concluded, hoping the others were close enough to hear.