Sierra ran as fast as she could, feet flying over pavement and garbage and who knew what else the found in the back alleys. She was very fast, and would have been able to outrun her pursuers under normal circumstances, especially in a panic like this. However, her lack of knowledge of the area was her downfall, and she had to make a tricky manoeuvre around some bins that slowed her down enough for her pursuer to pounce. She yelped when the impact came, feeling the familiar grip of jaws on her neck, and was forced to roll. She snarled as he changed forms and slammed her against a wall and the ground, teeth bared and hackles raised. [b][i] "Change back into a human now or I'll crush your throat."[/i][/b] The man growled. His voice carried authority, not that of an alpha, but still enough to make Sierra freeze in her struggles. She saw the other wolf arrive, putting on a threatening display. Sierra took a split second to think, consider fighting. She could absolutely escape a human grasp, but that would only worsen things. There was another wolf standing by, and she had no doubt in her mind that the two would tear into her if she ripped an arm off of the man like she wanted to. Not to mention that there was at least a small pack waiting, who would definitely come if called, if other packs worked the way hers had. This was a lose/die situation, and Sierra chose life. Growling, she shifted back, becoming a human girl pinned down, with her assailant's hands clamped on her throat. She tried to cough, but didn't move, other than clawing at the hands around her throat. Her head was spinning, and her ears ringing, not to mention her neck was probably bleeding a little from the bite. Yeah, she'd have been too disoriented after that wall slam to fight anyway. But that didn't help her now.