So I was perusing the GameStop website when I found [url=]this[/url] little gem. Looks great. 10/10, can’t wait for the game of the year edition. For real though, the reason why I’m on the GameStop website is because I’ve gotten a bit of money for my birthday and I’m looking for something to hold me over until the new Dragon Age comes out. The problem is, I’m not really seeing anything that piques my interest, and even then I’m not sure it’ll last me the month and a half I have to wait. It doesn’t really help that I’m also looking for something with a character creator, which narrows down potential products. And it almost feels like I’ve played everything that lets you create your character, examples being Skyrim, Oblivion, Fallout 3 and New Vegas, the Saints Row games, the Mass Effect trilogy, Dragon Age Origins and 2, Dragons Dogma, Dark Souls 1 and 2, and the Fable trilogy. So tell me spam, what are some worthwhile games for the 360? It’s a plus if it lets you create your character, but if it has really great gameplay, it’ll probably keep my interest as well.