Here they are. Sorry it took me long. Assassin [b]Hunter Pyne[/b] [img=] His first memory was not of a mother's lullaby or a father's gentle guidance, but drab gray walls and strict instructions from a middle aged man who he later learned was Sir Gerrad Mooton, Lord of Rotherham and Commander of the Fifth Imperial Company. He was known by most as a noble knight, but to the King and his closest advisors, Sir Gerrad Mooton was something else, for he was the head of a subtle group whose sole purpose was to obey and eliminate without question.With the knight's superior skills in combat and rather questionable disciplinary means, he was able to place under his control five of the deadliest men who ever walked the Westlands. Of the five, only Hunter was of questionable origins. Sir Gerrad told him that he was a bastard, that his mother was a maid and his father was a Barron. Neither of his parents wanted him so Sir Gerrad took him to give him a life that would serve the kingdom. He never mentioned the involvement of the King in how Hunter ended up in the knight's fortress, nor was there an explanation about the mark that ran from the left side of his lower back to his shoulder. Hunter just learned to accept that he would never get any answers. Although the youngest, he was always better than the others. He was quick to learn and seemed to thirst to be the best in everything -- from gambling, to drinking, to snapping a person's neck bare-handed. He was never a serious kind of person, very much unlike those who took the same path as he did. Hunter almost always seemed carefree, but perhaps it was just his cover, because behind the carefree mask was a careful predator. He never hesitated to follow the orders of his superiors, never paused to think about the innocent lives he was about to end. He was the best of Gerrad's boys that way. Young Maiden [b]Lilliana Ironsmith[/b] [img=] Liliana was the only girl in a family with seven sons. She was the sixth child, meaning two more younger brothers came after her. That being said, she had always fought for what she thought was hers. Her father was an Earl's third son and her mother a wealthy merchant's daughter. Although they lived a life of semi-luxury, her mother drilled in her the duties of a woman. With his brothers being themselves - boys - she was expected to help in the "womanly" duties in keeping the house. She was a woman, her mother would always tell her, she should learn to make a home, should learn to submit to her future husband, and should always be patient with her brothers. Lilliana was none of that. It might be her brothers' influence, but the girl had a stubborn streak in her. She preferred secretly joining her older brothers play with wooden swords, even train with them with steel. Her father would tolerate her, her brothers more so, but her mother strongly disapproved. What she wanted to be was not a wife to some rich and spoiled man, but an independent woman who could carry herself and her sword. A life of adventure was what she had always dreamed of, and home had become a prison for her.