[quote=Frontliner] Name: Felix Theros.Species: Human.Gender: Male.Affiliation: Bounty hunter under the Empire's payroll.Appearance: Brown hair with blue eyes, physically fit, six feet tall, light tanned skin, and the Mandalorian symbol tattooed on his right shoulder. Felix typically wears dull colored clothing, usually browns, blacks, and greys. He wears military grade boots and jacket which appears to have had it's insignia ripped off.Equipment: Blastech DLT-20A Laser Rifle, DL-44 pistol, and several thermal detonators. Also carries a comlink, a grappling hook, and a pair of cuffs for restraining captives.Background: Felix grew up on the under levels of Coruscant for the early years of his life. Growing up around poverty he quickly learned the value of a credit. His childhood was full of hard fights and getting into trouble. Felix began making money dealing in narcottics. At 18 he caught his first bounty by pure coincidence. The criminal had stumbled into a bar already drunk and bragging about the price on his head. Felix took the initiative and beat him unconcious, then taking the man to the authorities. That's when he learned there was more money in catching criminals than in being one. He used the reward money to buy some stolen Imperial weaponry and began hunting full time. Becoming well known near the age of 21, the Empire began hiring him out to help support Imperial forces in putting down insurrection. His recent mission has him travelling to the planet Belona.Reason for Joining the Empire/Alliance: "It's just another payday for me. The Empire says 'shoot' and I shoot...... In all honesty, I work for the highest bidder, and the Emporer has some deep pockets. As long as I get paid, I don't care who I am fighting or who I am fighting for. If the Rebels had money, well maybe you'd see me with them instead. Maybe. However, it's still a suicide mission for them if you ask me."Sorry it's short, I'm typing on my phone. I'll probably be tweaking bits of it over the next few days or so to make it better. If I need to change anything or if this doesn't work for you, let me know. [/quote] While I don't mind you being "Well none" this shouldn't be anywhere near the level of the likes of Boba Fett, IG-88 and such. Though I presume you know that. Also the Empire has deep pockets my friend, I doubt you have any dealings with the Emperor himself. More likely I feel it is that you will have been hired by the governor of Belona specifically or someone there which seems more plausible than being on the payroll full time. If you want there will be a contract that is an important plot point though just mention that much and when the RP starts you'll just be arriving at the planet and you'll be given more information IC if that works better for you :P