Everyone wakens up with their senses acting up. Everyone is able to see, everyone can hear, and think. No one can move their limbs, nor even their eyes. Everyone is forced to look straight ahead, and take in whatever they happen to be facing. The room everyone is in seems massive, including over-sized furniture, gigantic windows, and doors so high it's impossible to reach the handles. Even the sounds were massively scaled. The sound of footsteps coming near were almost terrifying, not being able to respond physically in anyway. The only thing possible is to scream within your heads, or silently take in the sights as two large figures step into view. "But moommmyyyyy! Why do you have to go to work todaaay? Can't you stay a little while and play with me?" a gigantic child said from behind the much bigger woman. The woman was dressed very formally, like for a business job. The child caught up to his mother quickly, and pulled on her skirt. "No. I don't have time to play right now. We're very tight on money, and I need to go to work so we can live. You're very lucky you have a sitter, otherwise I would just have to leave you home alone, and you know I can't do that to you." she said, turning to face him and kneeling to his level. The child ran towards everyone, picked up something, then ran back towards his mother. He was carrying a stuffed animal, and waved it at her. "Pleeease! Just a few minutes!" he begged her, but she patted him on the head and stood up. "I'm sorry, maybe you can play with your sitter when she's not busy." the mother replied. The mother turned back to the door and left the house, locking it behind her. The child was sad, and possibly a little bit angry. He tossed the animal back into the pile he had found it in... it was only at that moment did everyone realize it was Raina! [center]Details[/center] Everyone is a stuffed animal, roughly the size of one foot. No one is able to move, but they can communicate through thought. Everyone is able to hear each other's thoughts, if they choose to allow the other's to hear. Everyone describe what your character looks like, such as a simple teddy bear colored brown. The feet are big, with yellow patches under the feet... or anything like that. You don't have to get overly detailed, just be sure you give enough for other's to be able to vary from yours. I will allow people to slowly start moving under certain conditions... this is the first task for everyone to overcome, meaning teamwork is key. Don't worry, the first person able to move will be chosen after they have described their character. I have already chosen said person, before they made their app, so don't feel upset if you can't move yet. Just remember you can tell whoever is able to move your thoughts, and that may lead to them figuring out how to free everyone else sooner.