I wake up before the giants come and i hear everything they said. I try to move my limbs but cant and i look down at my said arm. I noticed i was a black and white cat not my human self and wonder what the heck is going on is this a damn nightmare or something. And i then notice my whiskers and my fur and pointy ears and wonder where everyone is and notice they are all around me and think if i'm a stuffed animal they must be too. I then try to yell but no sound can out so i say in my mind can anyone hear me if so please respond to this i don't think anyone can hear me because i'm talking to myself in my head. I then notice the giant kid sobbing and throwing a big fit over his mom not being able to play with him and his sitter trying to calm him down. I then want to know what the heck is going on and why i'm a stuffed cat?