On a normal day, Kiara might have been glaring and telling Roman for the absolute last time to stop calling her Red, but she hadn't had a normal day since the fire. Today was... even worse. She spoke softly into Hide's ear, knowing that he was probably scared, in pain, and most likely had a terrible headache from the blow. "Don't worry. Roman and I are going to get you inside. You're going to be fine. You know I've fixed much worse. Close your eyes and pretend you're somewhere else. Out in the forests, running. That's always a good place." Then she was moving to his feet, helping to get him onto the makeshift stretcher. It wasn't great, but it was better than carrying him inside and jostling the ribs that were obviously bruised or broken. Despite being so used to this, Kiara could not stop the tears that were running down her cheeks. When they were finally alone, she whispered the words she had been wanting to say since she'd first felt his pain. "I'm so sorry, Hide. I'm sorry." Quick as she could, she gathered bandages, ice, and a few salves she kept for emergencies. It didn't take long until she had wrapped his ribs, trying to keep from moving him as much as she could. While the fight continued in the other room, she cleaned him up and applied the ice to his head. Finally, Kiara placed her hand on his forehead in a familiar manner, though this time she was not checking his temperature. Instead, she focused all of her energy into one of the two skills she had that the others did not. The first was feeling their pain. The second was taking it away. "You'll feel better any second now.. I promise.. Just stay in that happy place.." Her hand moved to his hair, a comforting gesture. What she wanted more than anything was to go into that room and save that girl, to tell them that it wasn't her, that it couldn't have been her. But Hide was pack, and she took care of her own first. Besides, her guilt was keeping her as still as a statue. What would Kiara say when they asked her how she knew it wasn't the girl?