The young human's question confuses Yu a bit, the urge to help humans as natural as breathing to him, however he thinks carefully on the question for a time before answering. [i]'I protect and help humans because I want to. There is no greater reason, however I am unsure whether or not he would accept such a simple answer. I know many humans go beyond such simplicity in their desires to act, and the natural tendencies most have are ignored. . .'[/i] As Ethan goes on to basically tear down his own race Yu smiles a little bit wider, understanding a little better why he asked his question. Shaking his head so that his hair shifts then settles the youkai slips off the his perch and begins walking around once more, playing with his balance. “I understand your thoughts, for as a human I am sure what I am about to say will not make sense. In fact, it may insult you, and if so, I am sorry.” He offers the young man a smile before going on. “It is just my nature. Humans life such short lives, and see things as only a mortal can, but for all their efforts, for all their capacity for learning, you will always remain children in my eyes. You are incapable of knowing the world as we do, so shut off from it since the last of your kind to have the power died out so long ago. The world has grown cruel, and harsh towards you, and even among your own race you have always been harsh to one another. I. . . .I do not like seeing that, and when I do see it, I react.” He smiles, grasping a light poll and hanging off to the side playfully. “Humans, despite all their faults, are amazing creatures, and have the potential for creating wonders and beauties that my kind can not even think to dream of. I want to protect you, to help you. It is just who I am. The ones who harmed me are dead, and I have never held anger towards them to begin with. It is in your very nature to fear what is different. I do not know why, but I accept it.” Letting go of the poll Yu stalks playfully closer to Ethan with a soft smile on his face. “Do you have any more questions?” he murmurs softly, his hands clasped behind his back, bent at the waist so he has to look up into the young man's eyes.