Meliton was just about to hand the piece of almost whole cake to the dark godling before him, when the--SUPREME BEING APPEARED BEFORE THEM?! A few of their numbers bowed down in reverence, but more often than not, they were frozen in place in shock much like the sweet godling himself. There were experienced gods, gods in training, humans...and then there was the Supreme Being. From start to finish, Meliton was frozen in place listing carefully to any and all that was said, the trance-like state broken only one the Supreme Being had left the room. Making the cake, plate, fork and all disappear with a clean pop, Meliton turned and faced another god with a look that wasn't sure whether it was excited or panicking, "W-Was that...who I thought it was? Am I dreaming?! I was only born two years ago, I don't believe who I just saw...!" His voice, volume trailed off towards the end as he rubbed his chin nervously, looking vacantly into space, not even noticing or hearing what his first teacher had to say.