[quote=eddieddi] It started slowly, Lights flickered, the mic cut out and then back in, small hiccups in the system, then each light blinked out individually, as if all the electricity in the school was draining away, Phones, PDA's and ipads ect died, powerless, signal-less and without a reason, Then suddenly the speakers crackled out a harsh white noise, static snapping through the air, the air was charged with electricity, one could taste it, the ozone was sharp on the tongue, then one single light flashed on, glowing so bright it blew out, and in that instant the energy in the room grounded itself, all in to one point, as if returning to a point of origin, Lights returned, Handheld devices flickered back on. the speakers stopped spewing white noise. it was as if nothing had happened, Except the blown light bulb, Under Which stood a young god, brushing some glass shards of his shoulders. "Sorry I'm late, This place is a bugger to find." He said, smiling. "Do continue." [/quote] The Supreme Being tapped Adam on the shoulder. "Son we have told about causing such a disruption in a place like this. While very impressive, it is not only a waste of power but disrespectful to the others. Not to mention that you could damage people's electronics that way. You are a new god so you have more to learn then some of the others. Pay close attention to your classes."