Urtum nodded at Angelo, "Appreciated." He chuckled a bit seeing the young infiltrator's reaction when Miranda walked in. The Salarian wanted to say something, but though it best to keep it to himself. He handed Angelo a few things to carry and then picked up the carcass as they followed the woman. "Request seeing lab first. Need to set things up, don't need to see rest of ship, will figure out eventually." "Miranda," A.L.I.S spoke up, "Is there a station that the Doctor can hook me up too? This portable device runs on a plasma battery and will end up shutting down in the near future." The Salarian nodded in agreement, "A.I unit very helpful, would like to keep powered up." Urtum looked around the ship as they walked, "Nice structure... Built for fast space travel, one of a kind, very intriguing."