Lyra smiled internally, though she didn't dare let it show. good, he was taking her at least a little seriously. It was like a breath of relief she didn't dare take. "Maybe you are the only person who can help me," she began, pausing only to sip again at the alcohol, "Maybe not." She set the keg down again, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, suddenly serious. "I'm not asking for treason, war's not something I want on my hands here." She sighed and leaned forward, her voice dropping down to just above a whisper. "I have a friend who's.... In a bit of trouble over on your side of the Universe. I heard you know people that have access to what's happening... And I also heard you can help me get her out. Just to be clear, I'm not talking legally here." Yes she was proposing to cross the border into Demon territory. Call her crazy, but she was a good friend. And besides, she needed answers.