Name : Lesyios, Better known as Les age : Looks 21 race : (humans are humans XD) : Alien that's on earth History : She was once a princess of a planet but after few thousand years a war up-roared on the planet and she was forced to flee. For nine years she stayed in space and one day her craft crashed on earth. She came in the natrual form of the human and owns a Horse she named Sceluis. She doesn't know how to speak like a human but can commincate with animals . No one knows where she came from making her a mystery. Personality : A true female animal lover. Loves any creature that isn't a human being. Air head and doesn't understand many humans and likes being around animals. Loves to have a friend or two. very athletic and amazing gym person. she seems to be hiding something in her eyes. Picture (real) [img][/img] True form[img][/img] PM me if you want to roleplay a male thats going to college