Hello there. Whenever I see your name pop up I think about making a Penn account and giving you a ring because it would amuse me greatly, probably more than it should. I didn't see any recent IC posts so I couldn't gauge your writing style which is a shame since you present yourself so well, I was curious. I'm typically into longer posts (though I am a speed typer, or so I've been told...) but I think sticking around the 2-3 range (if that's okay, one paragraph seems a bit lacking no matter how I look at it and if someone is great at writing, why limit freedom?) would work fine for me. It sounds like you're fairly active and I need active players these days. In terms of concepts, I'd rather go back and forth with you to see if we match up, rather than one of us present a fully fleshed idea which might not even stick, seems a bit pushy to me. Ahem. I enjoy fantasy, modern slice of life, modern fantasy, sci-fi, cyberpunk or possibly historic. I'm also always cool with fandom roleplays but I know people can be picky about those which I could understand. I play both genders but am happy to create a main female for our story. Mature themes are fine with me if they're taken to PMs, otherwise I would prefer threads since i have a habit of forgetting to check PMs. At any rate, I hope you're well and sorry about the rambling.