[i]Sheesh, and I thought Morpheus had a big ego.[/i] Though something about the way the King of Hell was looking at him made Phobetor uneasy, he managed to bury his feelings and execute an exaggerated bow. "As you wish, my learned lerd. I shall not attempt to enter pretty boy's mind again." His eyes flickered, watching Asmodeus even as his head was dipped. He left out an important addendum: he would see if he couldn't make up for it while he was awake. As he regained his full height, Phobetor's skin began to gloss over with the same inky shadows that were even now blotting out the carpet around him. He looked around as he began to dissolve. "Hard to believe such an unimpressive lad could harbor a demon king." With that final remark, he wasted away. Phobetor blinked his eyes in the real world, turning them back to normal in the process. The bus had stopped, and people were getting off. Impatient to leave, he shapeshifted into a stoat and slunk beneath the seats to reach the stairs off the bus, mercifully managing to avoid all tramping feet in the process. Once out in the open, he pattered to the other side of the bus to try and hide himself before shifting back. Upon returning, he found himself to be the only one yet who had both disembarked the vehicle and had all his belongings in order. He wasted no time in following the ghost up to the well, watching as he walked the sunlight flooding through the specter's body, making him all but invisible. barely had Taiyo finished explaining about the well than Phobetor, in an act of fearless -and perhaps foolish- bravado, leaped in. He used his shadows to soften his fall and landed in the school courtyard, a little off-kilter. More surprising was the humanoid floodlight awaiting him, almost blinding his sensitive eyes with harsh light. Using his powers, he tried to create a dark visor to shield himself from the glare, but instead had to settle for pulling up his hood since the shadows melted away beneath it. "Hey! I'm bein' edgy here!"