Kenshin's cold, silver, eyes studied the mad-man with an unfocused gaze. He wasn't...really...awake so much as aware. The cloth in his mouth made him sick to the stomach, and the bindings around his ankles and wrists left him feeling weaker than usual. He wasn't even thinking about escaping; he was thinking of death. [b]What if I die here tonight?[/b] he thought to himself, his head falling back against the wall he was seated against and making a 'thud' sound, his body going limp. [b]Hm. Death. Now that's an interesting thought, almost like...[/b] Even his thoughts avoided the situation at hand, but this time even his detatched thoughts held a certain urgency, as if his mind couldn't comprehend his situation as quickly as his eyes could. There was this man. This broken, dirty, clearly insane man. He was speaking. Kenshin wished he could hear what he said, but all he could hear was broken noise. He closed his eyes then, focusing on breathing. In. Out. In. Out. [b]...Note to self, never trust cherv-[/b] his thoughts were interrupted by the wailing scream of the man. Kenshin's gaze shot up, locking onto the now-frothing man's. He bit down subconsciously into the dirty rag in his mouth, before the sides of his mouth tried to twitch up in the ever-present strange smile he always bore...not that the gag really allowed for much facial expression. He could feel the smile though, and that was enough. [b]Frothing like a rabid animal.[/b] He thought calmly. [b]Well, this fellow seems to most certainly be of interest...Chervotsky might want to meet him...[/b] He concluded, as always avoiding the topic at hand. He didn't even think to struggle, just stare at the man inching towards him with an unfocused gaze.