Aslin sighed and readied her katana as the new arrivals appeared. A pack of beowulves, with a rather large one leading the fray. Aurellius grinned to her, as he charged into battle, and Aslin was about to follow him before she got pounced from behind by one of the smaller ones. A rookie mistake. Aslin felt rather ashamed at being taken off guard by such a common creature that she had fought many times before in training. Thankfully, it wasn't a costly one, as Aslin deftly spun around under it's grip and essentially socked it in the face. Even with her meager strength, it took it off guard enough for her to bring her katana up with her other hand and slice it's head off. Aslin quickly rolled out from underneath the corpse just in time to avoid another's claw from impaling her face to the ground. She didn't even vaguely register the fights the others were having. Aslin focused too much on her own battle. She heard the sound of wind behind her, and did a backslash just in time to bisect a beowolf that leapt towards her. She jumped and flipped over another one that threw itself at her, impaling it through the head as she flew over. Her momentum carried the beowolf by the head with her blade, and she landed on her feet, throwing the wolf forward at another, knocking it over. She spun around and slashed a projectile at a small group of three that were congregating behind her, cutting their heads off in one fell swoop. Aslin was growing [i]bored[/i] during the fight, as it was just routine at this point. Another jumped at her, and got neatly slashed in twain. Yet another pounced and got impaled for it's troubles. And then she was caught offguard when a giant hand backhanded her hard from behind, not noticing she was getting close to where Aurellius was fighting the giant one. It apparently had just enough strength to knock her away, and Aslin was sent flying right towards the downed airship. She managed to clip an overhang with her head before smacking into the ground. As she tried to get up to look around, everything started spinning as her head felt like it had been split open. The rest of the pack of small beowolves that she was originally fighting had turned it's attention towards Aurellius, but a lone small one started moving towards Aslin. To Aslin, it just looked like a dark blur against a white background. She swung her weapon wildly at it, the beowolf dodging her with ease and scratching her across the face. She recoiled back but kept her position, and swung wildly again with one hand towards it. Accidentally, she pressed the button on the hilt, and when the beowulf jumped back it instead got split in half by the projectile. They just started the mission, and she had already crashed through a roof and was nearly killed by a pack of beowolves. Things weren't going too well. She held her head with her left hand and just sat down against the wall of the airship, waiting for the world to stop spinning as her teammates did the rest of the work.