"I am not a fucking fool," Ostus hissed back, instantly annoyed. "We are going to be traveling together for a very long time. How are we supposed to come across as not knowing each other when we're traveling together? Maybe if you had gotten out more, you would know that women typically don't leave these city walls alone. Because of the war, the roads are teaming with bandits; I don't know how many damn times I've been assigned to try to weed them back, the annoying little fuckers. You wouldn't last one day out here. "So if you don't like my story, give me something I can work with because I'd rather not have to pretend I'm in love with you. We look nothing alike, so I can't label us siblings... maybe if we were both elves or both humans I could call you the third cousin I'd rather not know..." Ostus continued, grumbling more to himself than anything else. The line came to a halt as each visitor passed through the gate with a final inspection. Ostus could remember a time when such protocols weren't necessary; how war changed even the lives of those that never entered battle. "While you think about your answer, since you're so much smarter than I, follow me to the stables to get our horses. The stables are right over there." He pointed at a building only a few yards away.