[hider=Lobos] Name:Caius "Lobos" Louisenbaim (Keeps his name hidden) Gender: Male Side: Pirate Crew: Black Scar Pirates Position: Captain Appearance: [img=http://i58.tinypic.com/10ye92v.jpg] Type: Devil fruit user Devils fruit: Boro Boro No Mi (Mirage Mirage Fruit ) is a Paramacia fruit that allows Lobos to create a vast amount of mirages/illusions. Lobos can either make the mirages appear out of nowhere or change over time, depending on the circumstances. Although the illusions are intangible, they are still capable of causing fear and psychological pain. For example, Lobos can make it seem as if a person is on fire. Of course the person isn't actually on fire, but the person could go into panic and believe they're on fire causing them to feel the pain as if they are. The major weakness of the fruit is if they realize they're in an illusion, then they could easily break out of it. But Lobos has made a way to hide this weakness. Lobos lies about his Devil Fruit, changing it's nature depending on the situation. For example, he could claim that he has a Clone Clone Fruit and create multiple mirages of himself. Or a swap swap fruit. It depends on the situation. The fruit was a strange rounded cubic fruit, having a indigo his with various wave like swirls on the fruit. One must peel it open and eat the even stranger black with a white zig zag pattern fruit. Despite having the fruit, Lobos prefers not to rely on his fruit but rather his own physical and sword skills. He would much rather go toe to toe with his opponents but does know when to use the fruit when necessary. Lobos is also able to place mirages on himself, whether he wishes to change his presence, make himself invisible and so on. He is even capable of placing a mirage on another person without them knowing it, able to change their appearance so a comrade may think that he/she is a foe. Swordskills: Lobis has achieved his nickname due to his savage and random fighting style. When fighting, he is after ruthless and unrelenting, giving his opponent no time to strike back as he continues to tear down his opponents defenses. He relies on his speed and momentum rather than pure raw strength. Haki: Lobos is capable of using Observation Haki and is very skilled with it. Using Observation Haki along with his speed, he is capable of slicing through bullets with ease. Lobos also has the ability to use Conqueror's Haki when times of great stress, which was how he discovered. He usually only uses it when he's extremely pissed off, which is when it is at it's strongest. However, Lobos is rarely angered as he keeps a calm demeanor at all times. Personality: Lobos is a prideful but quiet person, preferring to rely on action rather than words. Lobos isn't shy but rather an introvert. He daydreams often and seems to get lost in his thoughts easily. Although rare, Lobos does show happiness from time to time. Ofcourse, he is a person that cherishes those in his crew. For without them, he knows he would be nothing. However, as of now he has no one in his crew. He also knows when to throw away his pride for the better of his crew and his own safety. Bio: Will be done, just don't want this deleted again. Others: Carries around a cursed katana with a rather long handle. The sheathe is laced with seastone layer. He hardly speaks of it, so its origins and quality is unknown. And it's show time B) Pirate Crew: I've been ditched!Dx Crew Name: Black Scar Pirates Ship Name: The Shadow Mist (Stole the ship and plans onto getting a new one) Flag: A Jolly Roger flag with a black scar going diagonally across it's face. Affiliation: Independent [/hider]