Roxanne could tell she had missed plenty from the bus ride she had missed, simply by looking at the others. There was Taiyo, who was... well, glowing. And see-though. Huh. A guy with fantastic looking hair, all dyed and sticking up, yet he radiated something fairly negative. Perhaps their Godly patrons were opposites? There were two other girls, both fairly normal looking like herself, a sleepy looking ginger boy, and an older looking guy who had just rather casually dropped into the seemingly bottomless well. They sure didn't mention that thing to her. She wasn't fantastic with heights. Or darkness, for that matter. "'Last chance to denounce Godhood''." She muttered under her breath dubiously. She doubted that would stop her visions. She hadn't had all that many, but the few she had witnessed... God, (Or Gods, should she be saying that now? God/s, this was confusing.) she shuddered lightly just thinking back on them. Stepping forward with her bags hesitantly, she peered down the well, then looked at Taiyo. "Not the easiest way I can imagine getting there." She said dryly, still dithering. She didn't want to be last in, but there was no way she was just going to leap in all happy-like as Phobetor did. She wondered idly if they'd look any different on the other side.