[i]AkiBlue and I currently be of the same mind, Bunnita. Comprehensive, it stands tall! Very enjoyable. However, Andracos, my, my, my favourable Andracos Not that heinous, surely not? Tease I do, a monster he is. Conflicted his mind is at present For faeries are his desired, his prized, his favourite... And here one enters with hair ever so red, A child... a faerie child... An inquest, just how dark and monstrous do I wish to make him? Understand all? Furthermore, Mr. Seil oh Mr. Seil The grand Wish Master An enemy? Tripled? Multiplied? He is not the enemy of this tale. But quote you I do, Angel's chart of thought is not complete for Mr. Seil In due time, the tale will continue, Post I will upon its faultlessness[/i]