Ah...She'd tried to speak again and found herself tongue-tied as everyone began talking again...A small frown fell upon her lips as she sat back and held her parasol until the bus came to a sudden halt. So many people around and it seemed...As if she wouldn't be making friends quite easily, if at all. She rubbed her eyes and yawned a bit as she sat back and relaxed, amethyst orbs watching across the conversations buzzing on the bus until it stopped and Mai lifted her head in order to look into the old well that Taiyo had taken a seat by....Huh. Standing up as everyone else began to file out, she to the time to open up her parasol as she stepped up to the well. ...Ah, a leap of faith? She probably was one to have the most faith of the group if all was taken into account. A step forward and she closed her eyes as the soft, soothing chimes of her parasol danced with all of its colors with her descent. Moonlight was the first thing that would be seen around her as she "landed". Whereas it was bright and daytime all around everyone else?... Mai held what looked like pure night underneath her parasol. Even to the point that -- if one looked at the sky under her parasol -- they could see stars and the moon rather than clouds and the sun. A soft smile would fall upon her lips as she looked over to the others that arrived- ..Huh? One seemed to be in pain. Ashil, was it?... ...Oh, darnit. She was bad with being nice to people that did rude things. But she had to at least try to help. Stepping forward in hopes that he wouldn't go scuttling of to some corner, she moved her hands up to hold her umbrella out above him. It should act as enough of a shield for the time being to keep him from suffering with the soothing night's breeze that lingered underneath its shade. [i]"A bad foot was stepped to with meeting. ...I take it that the sun and yourself are not companions, judging from this horrific reaction you've having. Does this help at all?"[/i] The shining beacon before them failed to intimidate her in any way of the like. Years of seeing figures and scriptures of her family's matron goddess, Amaterasu, had desensitized her to things of this nature.Topped off with her beloved status for the Moon God, and she was potentially one of the calmest individuals here (if dread and suffering were not counted). Well, let's see if she could be a helpful little Shrine Maiden! It was always nice to see a smile, but...Pushing it never did anyone any good, as Tsukuyomi had taught her with all the care in the world.