[quote=liferusher] -picks up body out of bed and walks around in pyjama's with blanket around body and coffee in hand.- ill try to make myself a bit less depressed now then i was yesterday -dumps coffee in face. Cries on the ground- it didnt work. [/quote] If you will go back a few pages, I did attempt to cheer you up. Whether it's effectiveness failed because you didn't read it or it just wasn't what you needed to hear, I apologize. but I did try. ^-^ I find a lot of times the biggest thing standing between you and being happy is more times than not yourself. So just... let yourself be happy for once. I know I'm like... serious far too often but seriously. I had to walk to class in the rain and thunder this morning. It was dark and dreary and nasty. But then I remembered something a teacher said to me. She asked the class, 'Why are you all so quiet?' Teacher: Why are you all so quiet today? Me: It's monday and it's raining. It's kind of a dreary day... meh. Teacher: Don't let that affect you! Basically, she said that we shouldn't let other things define our happiness. And I liked that. So... I smiled. I smiled because it was raining. And I was walking to class... and everything was okay. I was about to take a test that I would more than likely fail and... I smiled. Because I wasn't going to let it define my happiness. I'm going to be happy because well... I want to be. Some days, I do want to be sad. But other days, I'd rather not be... But I define my emotions. I'm not led (Or at least I try not to let it lead me...) by outside forces as much as I used to be. Then again, maybe I'm weird and an optimist. And... yeah. Anyway. If Faith can post today and let Fate go free, then we can start on Season Three tomorrow with any hope. I'll be going back home tomorrow. I'd be going home today but BAND SUCKS UP MY LIFE and we have a concert today. So... I have to stay. -shrugs- I like playing, so it's K. OH! Have you guys watched the Walking Dead? I didn't really think I'd like it but my roommate was watching it so I watched and now I'm like... vnnfvnfvfd THE WALKING DEAD. (Still doesn't change the fact that I will never do a zombie or apocalypse RP...)