Name: Kareth Age: 32 Gender: Male Nationality: Vale Appearance: [hider=Kareth][img=] Except Kareth knows nothing of blacksmithing.[/hider] Equipment: Estus flask, walking staff (actually a spell catalyst), Longsword (also a spell catalyst), amber herbs, book of sorceries, brown hooded robe. Backstory: Born in Vale, Kareth grew up believing that knowledge was power and attended the nation's most prestigious school of magic. After a few years, he left for a few reasons, firstly he had radical views on miracles, believing them to be simply a different kind of sorcery, and secondly he believed he had learned all he could at the school. Finally, the last thing to make him leave was the dark mark that had appeared on his skin. Kareth was quite enthused by the prospect of undeath, believing he could spend all eternity learning the secrets of the world. He doesn't quite remember how he got to Terrace, but he does know that he would like to unlock the secrets of the soul, and he could find answers in Terrace. Covenant: None, but is willing to join any covenant that concerns knowledge. Let me know if I should flesh this out any more.