[center][img]http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc415/LillithChristfoREVer296/Layout%20Pictures/RP%20Pictures/lovelesshumangirl1_zpsc6d206d8.jpg[/img] ~Stands at 4'8~ Arabella Wren 15 Female Purple "I am very shy and kind. I can never say a bad thing about anyone. I love helping people and I will do everything I can to make them smile. I have never had a boyfriend or love interest before in my life so I am very innocent about a lot of things. I don't judge people and I can always see the good in people. If someone confides in me or tells me a secret I will take it to my grave so I guess you can say I can be very reliable. I am also honest. Even if it's something bad, I will not lie to someone, even though I will hate myself for hurting them with the truth. I can be really oblivious about a lot of things, especially when it comes to love/flirting. I guess you could also say I trust way too easily. I also get embarrassed and flustered way too easily. I can be very insecure about myself and my body and i tend to second-guess myself a lot. I can become upset very easily and am very sensitive. I can also be very clumsy and tend to trip over my own feet a lot." Arabella is very easily prone to panic attacks, which can be triggered by a number of things: Loud or sudden noises, thunderstorms, the dark, heights, being grabbed suddenly, and dolls.[/center]