------Between the planes------ Ambrose sat between the planes listening to see where his next victim would be. He enjoyed the thrill of sitting there waiting for a moment when a plane would have some festival or some great splendorous event that unveiled some great plot of good vs evil. He was the rain on their parade or rather the exploding vortex. Ambrose had frozen his own plane when he had received his spark and enjoyed the power that he had been given so much so that he had to spread the joy of it. He cackled to himself. in the darkness between the planes and suddenly something stopped him....it was other laughter. Suddenly he honed in on where it was coming from. A plane called Ravnica. This place looked interesting. It was comprised to guilds that split and shared their mana and another magic seemed to be in place...a spell that held their chaotic balance in check. The guild pact! Oh something like that must be toyed with, twisted into an abomination so that these so called guilds would turn on each other. Ambrose could tell that this was going to be a very fun plane to mess with. "I think I should go introduce myself to the populace." He choose his spot perfectly one where all the guilds would see him...see the threat that would now torment their plane. Ambrose cackled as he waved his hand into the darkness before him. His spark activated as he winked out of the darkness with a flash of light and reappeared in the atmosphere of Ravnica. He began to feel the mana seep into his veins. New magics twisted into his mind. Nothing really new but it was spells that this plane had twisted to make their own. "Well well it seems that some guilds here mess with mana just as I do...I wonder if I will make any friends here." He began to descend below the clouds and hovered above the guilds pact day events. Ambrose augmented his voice and amplified it so that all the citizens would hear him; he also created an illusion of his own head in the sky so that everyone could see it. "Hello Citizens of Ravnica! My name is Ambrose Arcanus! I am sure you have never heard of me but in the coming days you will get to know me very well! Now that we are somewhat acquainted I have a demand! Take me to the guild pact magic or you will have fire rain down from the heavens upon you all!!" Ambrose put a smug grin on his face which appeared on the illusion version of his head to and right after that it winked out back into the blue mana from wince in came. Now he just waited for the response. If the guilds took to long then he would torch the place and move to find the guild pact magic himself.