Pierce smiled when she fixed his tie, his sister had always done the same thing. He wasn't anywhere near a perfectionist, after all he had just learned how to tie a tie. He nodded, accepting the offer to sit down and relax. Pierce couldn't wait to catch up on all the things that at happened over the many years of no contact. "I'll catch up with you guys later. Im going to stay here and talk to Raina for a while." He drapped his arms over the other girls shoulders, one on Macey's and the other on Mycha's. "It's good to see you both again, we'll talk later alright?" He smiled and let go of them, following Raina and taking a seat right next to her on the sand. He leaned back on his hands, staring ahead into the water with a peaceful sigh and a smile. "So what's on your mind?" He said, his eyes locked on Raina's with his ever so famous grin.