[b][u]Csilla[/u][/b] Once Krios had sent forward his all clear, Rozalia made her way to their infiltration point first, swiftly followed by the Jedi Master and his Padawan. Now that the anticipation was over, and she was in the prison, she felt herself settle into the right sort of mind for the mission. Thinking clearly, without any distractions; it was in these moments of clarity under pressure that had her picked for the job. "As there's four of us, I'd recommend we split up equally; two of us look for Master Greon, and the other two look for his Padawan." She said in a low tone, directed at the Master. She more often than not forgot who was in charge, and she had only just remembered in time to use the word 'recommend'. It was the best strategy she could think of, anyway. Thankfully, he nodded in agreement. "As we don't have information, I can't tell you who will be held where." The Kel Dor Master stated, his brow furrowing as he thought. "But I would think that Master Greon would be under heavier guards than his Padawan, so I'd assume he's further in." He added, then paused, darting a sideways glance at his own Togrutan Padawan, who was looking a wee bit paler than he had been on the ship. He wasn't all that old, still only half-way through his training, and in Rozalia's mind, in no way capable of being up against a Sith Lord. "Krios and I can look for Master Greon." She volunteered suddenly, correctly assuming that the Master would not want to leave his Padawan, nor would he want him in great danger. "Most of these prisons work in a circular pattern, with high security blocks towards the centre. We can head that way, while you two stay on the circumference." She murmured almost absent-mindedly as she brought up her omni-tool. She was no expert at using it, but she was sure it would record the way back to the entrance when they got further in. Unless, of course, the walls moved.