[b] Rakata Prime, Lord Reaver, Lady Seraphim [/b] Lord Reaver always liked hand shakes it allowed one to assess the strength of the person in front of you so he took it, and shook Stravon's hand. At this time Lady Seraphim walked up to the two of them, Reaver looked at his apprentice and knew that the time was now. "As much as i would love to talk about our new allies i have business to attend to." He said and walked away leaving Stravon standing there alone. Both master and apprentice walked into Reaver's chambers "Do you have them?" He asked his apprentice "Yes m'lord." She said putting apprentice robes down where her master could grab them. "You can change into a spare set of my robes. He said taking off his mask and handing it to her. The dark lord could be described as handsome if it weren't for the blaster burn on his cheek. His pale golden hair was cut short with bangs that cling to his forehead and his dark blue eyes burned with hatred for all life.. "Go get changed." and off his apprentice went to change into her lords robes while he changed into apprentice robes. When both were changed Reaver went over the plan with her one last time "You are to act as me. No one knows my true voice so they will think you are me, i will go and kill Lady Genitirix or get someone to do it for me." He told her. His apprentice only nodded in understanding then they separated ways him cutting through a different part of the room and out into another hallway heading for the space port to the shuttle that would take him to Csilla and her walking back into the temple.