[quote=Headphones] It also makes Skye's reasoning all the more right and, believe me, you won't like it when he's right XD Since magicians are smaller in number, am I to assume that there will be a time when there will be a ban on making magician characters? It seems quite reasonable to try to even out the numbers at some point. Also, can we really switch between calling magical users magicians and mages? I agree that the two words are synonyms, but what is more commonly used in the kingdoms or does it vary from country to country? And another thing, could you tell us what kind of culture all the kingdoms come close to? Ferros is a bit Nordic and Kain is a bit Arabian. What about the rest? Can I try providing some pictures for them? [/quote] No, there won't be a ban on making magic characters. I want players to be able to play the characters they want. Mages and magicians can be used interchangeably, and people will understand what your talking about. Correct about Ferros and Kain. Valarian culture is akin to Slavic culture, with Valean resembling a more western European culture. I'm not even sure what Gorgon would resemble. As to the time of year, it's spring. Concerning where mages come from, I favor what Gelgarin said, with genetic playing a role in how easily someone can pick it up, but it is ultimately a learned skill. I think that would be a nice approach to take. The IC will be kicking off tomorrow night (after my classes, so it may be quite late [Eastern Time]). I don't think I should be expecting a CS for some of the other players who expressed interest, so I would like to pick up three more people to give us twelve players (not characters). I want to try to keep the groups as evenly distributed as possible while adhering to your characters ambitions, so twelve players could give us an even four per group. Plus I feel bad that I turned down some people with perfectly acceptable CSs because I reserved a spot for someone.