"Don't worry. Money's no object," Lyra dismissed it with a small wave of her hand. She grimaced, an Angel trust a Demon? That was a first, and it didn't exactly happen the other way around, either. It was a bit of a stretch but... She was desperate, after even going so far as to seek a Demon's help, there wasn't much worse she could do. "Alright. You've got a deal." she nodded, sliding the card into her jacket pocket, "See ya around." When he finally left, she let out a breath of relief before waving the bartender over for another round of drinks. She deserved it. But not too long afterwords, she was confronted quickly by some "observers". "It's nothing," she told them when they asked about the meeting, "He looked down, and I decided to help a guy out, even if he is a Demon." She waved it off nonchalantly, and they seemed to take the bait. Lucky for her. Now all there was to do was wait. But then again, she was never a patient person, maybe she could speed it up a little. Lyra dismissed herself on the excuse she had to get some sleep that night, and headed out, hand in her pocket, lightly tapping the flimsy cardboard. Shit... She was getting nervous again.