[b]Planet N-1[/b] With the threat of the creatures subsiding, the slightly damaged Explorer shrugs off the scraps trying to cling to the hull with strange lengths of organic mass, and pulls towards the planet. As it put distance between itself and the wreckage, the Explorer fired half a salvo of swarmer missiles, small spears of explosives and penetrative warheads impacting what was left of the burning ship, tearing what little was left into molten slag, and destroying what organic mass was left. Despite the possible repercussions of destroying alien technology, the Hunter-Captain didn't think it wise to let anyone near the things inside. As the Explorer pulled into a more stable, lower orbit, and began scanning the surface for survivors and what damage was done. As it did so, it beamed communications to the underground bunkers, stating that there had been an alien attack on the planet, and released an unknown biological or biochemical weapon on the planet, and that efforts were taken to contain. "In the meantime, secure yourselves in fortified cryopods, and brace for immienent surface wipe of sentients." Another message was beamed down to all above-ground broadcasting locations, ordering people in the undamaged, not-yet-contaminated cities to reach the evacuation centers or bunkers. Shortly afterward, another cargoship from a nearby asteroid cluster, and a passenger ship that was already on its way to N-1's orbit. A couple minutes afterwards, two more of the Explorers came out of warp-speed, reporting that two more Explorers were being sent out to conduct investigations on nearby systems for sentient life; if there are hostiles, there can certainly be friendlies. Some will seek help of others to combat outside forces, and that's exactly what they planned to do. However, the three ships, the slightly damaged one and the two new ones, had received new orders. Follow the enemy, find out where they live, and strike if the opportunity arises. Due to what has been witnessed so far, another two ships was being sent to come with them, more suited with planet bombardment than any Explorer. Two Varrens are being sent to act as escorts and battleships. While Explorers have much heavier armor, the Varrens have seldom-used railgun cannons and more particle beam cannons than Explorers. They were sending a battlefleet, really.